I am not a pro in this matter. But being an ordinary human being, I have gone through bitter situations in my life. So I will share those tips that helped me out in such circumstances.
Trust me, words (I am not using the term ‘advice’ here.) from an experienced person worth more than any written scriptures of self-help books. Majority of people wear a mask of happiness when in sorrows, while a volcano of emotions erupting inside them.
I have often seen this around me, even I did. That is what self-help books recommend to you, so we naively believe in that. Each time I did, my inner emotions got worse like I am torturing myself to seem happy in front of others.
Why would fake happiness when you are sad.? Never suppress your feelings, let it go. No need to act like a tough person who can bear no matter what comes in their way. BE YOU, because no one can.
Emotions are reckoned to be express. You can’t hold it inside, just burst it out or share it with others.
 When I am in such a situation, I share it with others or write my emotions on a piece of paper.
The number of pages shows the intensity of my feeling. I am not talking about writing an essay, NOPE, write your feelings uncontrollably not caring any full stops or grammars or even decent words. JUST WRITE IT. It’s called conversion of feeling to words.
After, You need to re-read the paper, trust me you would find a possible solution for your problems in those papers. You, yourself finds the solution that is the power embedded within you. You would rather hear yourself than read any self-help books. 
Of course, reading books especially fictions and watching your favourite shows will surely help you to overcome sadness up to a small extent.
Never suppress your emotions it will lead to great quandaries, it will turn you to a pressure cooker. So be compassionate to yourself first, and don’t be a pressure cooker, BE A HUMAN.

                              BE YOU!

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