Disclaimer: These are my personal opinions.

I have read A thousand splendid suns” by Khaled Hosseini last year, never thought to write “my thoughts” while reading this book then, but now I do. Chemical attacks, missile droppings, attack on children… this news has been occupying newspapers nowadays. Millions of human suffering from this abominable act.

Every day thousands of innocent children dying due to these blind act. Even the newborns became victims of war. I want to ask every nation, who has been taking part “why did children suffer?“. Time is up, every human should stand against the war. We need a safer and peaceful world. Everyone must express compassion for others.

If you have a right to live, so have them. We should be obliged to expand our horizon of mutual love and respect. Remember, we were one once, time made us separate on nationality, religion, continent, colour, economy. No nation is supreme over others.

“Every human life is worth the same, and worth saving”. – J.K. Rowling

Gender inequalities have existed in the world since the time of ancient civilization. Who taught us to discriminate between humans based on physical dissimilarities? And how these dissimilarities tend one dominates other?

I don’t understand the logic behind this illogic most of the people embraced with no reluctance. Who set the rules “only men can do this, women cannot”? My dear folks, what one can do may not be done by others, it’s called UNIQUENESS, not INABILITY. Even now, suppressing women based on these implausible judgments is not less than a barbarian act of this so-called civilised world. Gender equality can only achieve through the understanding the rationale behind “nothing is perfect even nature.” STOP GENDER BIAS!


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