Tech entrepreneur Mukesh Bansal has been a lifelong student of human performance optimisation. He has studied the science behind it and worked closely with high performers across the business, sports and entertainment, to understand what it takes to transcend apparent limitations and achieve true potential.
Through his entrepreneurial experience and studying the field of health and fitness, Bansal came to understand the enormous power of plasticity: the ability of the human brain to rewire itself at will as we develop new skills. He also realised that high performers across domains rely on common tools that were embraced by ancient wisdom and are validated by modern science. Knowing that high performance is not a matter of genetics or luck is highly empowering.

No Limits distils Bansal’s findings on talent, deliberate practice, mindset, habit, willpower and learning. It is a guide to maximising one’s potential with well-defined strategies. So, no matter what you do, you can be a superior version of yourself, performing at increasingly better levels, constantly reaching higher.


The book primarily focuses on improving human performance, how one can achieve what they desire with a little bit tweaking of mind and body. Mukesh Bansal has made his point clear from the introduction itself that he wrote the book from the perspective of an experimenter rather than an expert.
He puts together every gem of knowledge that acquired from his experiences, books, people he looks up to, in this one book. I would say, a one-stop for people who look for books on high-performance optimization. 
The basic idea of the book lies on three factors – which the author believes the keys to master at anything – which is practice, motivation and coaching. Fair enough, right? Unlike other books that advocates manifestation of thoughts can bring power, No Limits has clearly stated if you want to achieve something, you must put in work. Mastering at something is not a matter of innate ability.
I gauge a self-help book from the anecdotes an author quotes from his life experience to support the principle idea of his/her book. No Limits has hit that mark – I got to read about Mr Bansal’s days from childhood to Silicon valley to starting Myntra and what he learnt from his journey. If you want to make success in life, chant this mantra every time – hard work and the right mindset. 
Failures are disheartening, true that, but when you change the way you perceive that failure, will do great wonders. Its easier said than done, I know right. The author says, each time you fail, you should have the courage to stand up and go for what you want to achieve. Trying again doesn’t hurt, but giving up does.
I liked the justification he gives in the book for having a role model or a hero to look up to. You may face setbacks in your life, no life is perfect, but you follow someone who has achieved success after lots of setbacks, will motivate you to move forward. 
I did see the charisma of an engineer who verifies every point scientifically, you will know when you read the book how immensely Mr Bansal has researched for it. And I would say his research paid off well. He does not try to implement anything new to readers but strengthens the productivity technique with a scientific base and shows how to incorporate them into their life.
My favourite chapter from the book is Plastic Mind, glad that I have got some practical methods to improve my mental ability. 
The writing style is lucid. You will see great book recommendations throughout every page. Bottom line is No Limit is a knowledge resource possibly on everything.
I would recommend this book to everyone who is looking to improve their productivity.
Thank you Writers Melon for the review copy.


4 / 5 STARS

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